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We’re Glad You Could Make It!

Welcome to Playventurers!

Empowering families to play more and improve access to their emotional wellbeing toolkits.

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What's Our Why?

Here at Playventurers we firmly believe that play is the key to child development; that it should be available to all regardless of time, space and resources. By sharing our play journey I hope to provide ideas for other families to try at home. 

Promoting emotional literacy and speech and language skills is the second why behind Playventurers. These two areas are not only interlinked but I believe are even more important now given the current global climate; and the impact the pandemic has had on social interactions, skills and relationships. The disruption to attending educational settings and the support that comes with this and in addition, the increase to waiting times to accessing professional services. All of these factors have the potential to affect children's mental health, well-being and overall development. 

It's not all doom and gloom though; we can provide children with the toolkits they need to tackle the problems that life will inevitably throw their way at some point. Additionally, there are many strategies and activities we can implement at home to aid with language development. As parents, no matter how far along the road, we can improve how we communicate to nurture, strengthen bonds and the safe haven we provide for our kids.

 I aim to share as many tips, activities and resources as possible to empower you to support your children with developing their  emotional literacy and communication skills both verbal and written so they can continue to thrive both now and all the way into adulthood.


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